Dentist in Sunset FL

Scaling and root planning

Dentist in Miami, FL

Scaling and root planing

Gum disease is a dental concern caused by plaque and tartar buildup that surrounds your gum line. This buildup is composed of hardened food residues that contain bacteria. If left untreated, these bacteria will begin to eat away at your soft tissues, causing a receding gum line. 

Additional symptoms of gum disease include bleeding gums, tender gums, as well as discolored gums. If you notice a small amount of blood in the sink following brushing or flossing your teeth, you may be experiencing the early stage signs of gum disease progression. Dr. Renier Suarez and Dr. Teresa Suarez are here to help you manage and maintain your gum health. Gum disease is a very common dental concern that we treat in our Miami, FL, dentist’s office.

Plaque, the primary cause behind gum diseases, is a sticky film of bacteria that always forms on your teeth. They can easily be removed by brushing and flossing, but that is not done properly, then the plaque starts to harden and form tartar. The bacteria in the plaque also causes gum inflammation. Slowly, your gums start to pull away from the teeth to form small spaces called pockets. The plaque and tartar get trapped in these pockets and can only be removed by professional cleanings. For deep pockets, scaling and root planing, also known as deep cleaning, by our experienced periodontists in Miami, FL, is the best solution.

The deep cleaning process is divided into two steps. The first step is scaling; wherein your dentist will remove the plaque and tartar from above and below your gum lines. They will clean all the way down to your pockets. The next step is root planing, which involves smoothing out the tooth roots. It helps the pulled-away gums to reattach with the teeth. Depending on the extent of the issue, your dentist may use a local anesthetic, and the procedure might require more than one visit to the dentist to complete.

What are the benefits of scaling and root planing?

Experienced dentists at 1-2-3 Smile Family dentistry suggests that there are several benefits of this procedure, like:

  • It helps in treating gum diseases and also stops their spread. The procedure helps to make your gums healthy once again.
  • Large pockets and gum infections lead to potential tooth loss. By undergoing scaling and root planing, you can save your natural teeth.
  • The process helps remove plaque and tartar buildup, which in turn reduces gum infections and tooth decay.
  • It protects your tooth roots from the harmful bacteria and plaque that has started to build up below your gum lines.
  • It helps in eliminating bad breath, which accompanies periodontal issues.

Who are the right candidates for scaling and root planing?

If you have mild to moderate gum diseases, you might be a good candidate for the procedure. Miami, FL dentists, will first check the condition of your teeth, gums, pockets, etc., and then they will decide the right solution for your conditions. If you notice the following symptoms, then there is a high chance that you might be suffering from gum diseases:

  • Red, swollen and tender gums.
  • You notice blood while brushing or flossing.
  • Loose teeth.
  • Painful chewing actions.
  • Constant bad breath.
  • Gum pockets that are more than 5mm deep.

Getting scaling and root planing done in Miami, FL

Dr. Renier Suarez and Dr. Teresa Suarez might only perform root planing after thoroughly examining your mouth. They might also ask you to get an x-ray to get a deeper and closer view of your oral conditions. Depending on the extent of periodontitis you have, they might or might not apply local anesthesia during the procedure.

Our Miami, FL, dentists will assist you before, throughout, and after the treatment. Once the procedure is completed, they will give you antibiotics and antimicrobial medicines so that there is no further growth of the bacteria. Follow all the instructions they give you for natural and faster healing

Office Hours
Monday: 8:30AM–5PM
Tuesday: 8:30AM–5PM
Wednesday: 8:30AM–5PM
Thursday: 8:30AM–5PM
Friday: 8:30AM–5PM
Saturday: Closed
Contact Us
Call: 305.412.7728
Fax: 305.412.7730
10000 SW 56th St, Ste 23
Miami, FL 33165

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