Dentist in Sunset FL

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Dentist in Miami, FL

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth are located at the back of your mouth. They are the molars, which means they help grind your food and are the widest in appearance. 

A person might or might not have wisdom teeth. They generally erupt in our adult years and usually are not a matter of concern. However, sometimes the wisdom teeth might erupt at a weird angle, exerting pressure on the nearby teeth. It can cause a lot of pain, and your cheeks might swell up. In those wisdom teeth, extraction is the only option.

At 1-2-3 Smile Family Dentistry, we have experienced oral surgeons who can swiftly carry out the entire process. The extraction will reduce pain, discomfort and will also prevent any potential future issues. Sometimes, during your routine evaluation, our dentist might also suggest you with the extraction process, even if it is not creating any problems.

What are the benefits of wisdom tooth extraction?

Impacted wisdom teeth grow at weird angles, causing a lot of dental issues. The extraction procedure helps the patient to get relief from the effects of impacted wisdom teeth, like:
  • Pain
  • Food and debris can get trapped behind the wisdom teeth, and normal brushing cannot remove them. This can lead to cavities.
  • Periodontal diseases can occur due to improper maintenance. Wisdom teeth are tough to clean.
  • The partially erupted wisdom tooth might get decayed.
  • Impacted wisdom teeth can cause damage to the surrounding dental structures.
  • A fluid-filled sac or cyst can develop around the wisdom teeth.
  • It can exert pressure on the other teeth, affecting their alignment.

Who is a candidate for wisdom teeth extraction?

If you have impacted wisdom teeth, extraction is the only option for you. But even if you have normal wisdom teeth, Miami, FL, dentists might suggest you go through extraction. It is because wisdom teeth are more vulnerable to cavities, decays, infections, cysts, and it can even impact your overall dental alignment

Getting wisdom tooth extraction in Miami, FL

Wisdom teeth extractions are mainly performed to give you some relief from pain and prevent future dental issues. Our dentists in Miami, FL, will assist you through the process and guide you through the aftercare measures. Depending on the severity of your case, a dentist or an oral surgeon might perform the task. We have a team of experienced dental professionals, so you have nothing to worry about. The whole process will be carried out after sedating you with local anesthesia so that you do not feel any discomfort. You might feel slight pain post the procedure, and there might be a few days’ restrictions on the type of food you eat. Follow all the instructions given by your dentist, and you will recover quickly

Office Hours
Monday: 8:30AM–5PM
Tuesday: 8:30AM–5PM
Wednesday: 8:30AM–5PM
Thursday: 8:30AM–5PM
Friday: 8:30AM–5PM
Saturday: Closed
Contact Us
Call: 305.412.7728
Fax: 305.412.7730
10000 SW 56th St, Ste 23
Miami, FL 33165

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