When you need a tooth safely and painlessly removed from your smile, 1-2-3 Smile Family Dentistry is here for you. We provide in-office tooth extraction services, including routine extractions, surgical extractions, and wisdom tooth extractions. Modern dentistry has evolved to make tooth extractions a painless experience. Utilizing sedation dentistry solutions, including local anesthetics, our doctors can ensure that your tooth extraction is a pain-free experience
Wisdom teeth are located at the back of your mouth. They are the molars, which means they help grind your food and are the widest in appearance. A person might or might not have wisdom teeth. They generally erupt in our adult years and usually are not a matter of concern. However, sometimes the wisdom teeth might erupt at a weird angle, exerting pressure on the nearby teeth. It can cause a lot of pain, and your cheeks might swell up. In those wisdom teeth, extraction is the only option.